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polynSPIRE 820665 Horizon 2020

17/01/2023 | 0 Comentarios | Deja tu comentario | Exportar a PDF | 0 0
During the last 4 years MAIER S.COOP. and MTC have been part of the polynSPIRE project that, thanks to the contribution of 21 committed partners and more than four years of intense work, helped lead the plastics industry several steps forward toward the ultimate achievement of a fully circular sector and is now coming to an end leaving behind a path dotted with progress and success. The final General Assembly took place on 9 and 10 November in Udine, Italy. The event welcomed representatives from each of the 21 member organisations of the consortium, who actively participated by providing inputs on the goals achieved after more than 4 years of intense work and lively cooperation among partners.
The Polynspire partners can undoubtedly be proud to have successfully contributed to the pivotal mission of boosting the circular economy in Europe, during more than 4 years of work and productive cooperation in which the development of groundbreaking and innovative technologies towards the achievement of a more efficient and sustainable plastic recycling dominated the overall mission of the consortium.

PolynSPIRE Exploitation workshop & final event: project’s achievements and cross-industry networking
PolynSPIRE General Assembly in Udine: two days of discussion in the name of the project’s success
polynSPIRE | Innovative technologies for plastic recycling
(6) polynSPIRE Project: Acerca de | LinkedIn
polynSPIRE | Innovation in plastic recycling (@H2020polynspire) / Twitter

  The European Flag – the 12 stars in a circle symbolise the ideals of unity, solidarity and harmony among the peoples of Europe.

The research project polynSPIRE receives funding from the European Union‘s Framework Programme for Research and Innovation Horizon 2020 under grant agreement no. 820665.  

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